Check out our large selection in the spring! There's always something new!
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Selection changes with availability!

Perennial, full sun, many different varieties, harvest leaves all summer, after flowering all thymes should be trimmed to ensure lots of new shoots for use in kitchen and keep plant neat and compact.

Perennial, full sun, 4-5' tall,
Lovage flowers attract beneficial wasps, tachinid flies & swallow tail butterflies. Celery like flavor, bolder.
Lovage flowers attract beneficial wasps, tachinid flies & swallow tail butterflies. Celery like flavor, bolder.

Tender annual, full sun, prune plants after flowering to encourage dense growth. Both flowers and leaves are used for Culinary purposes, herb butter, grilling, soups, marinades, salads.

Tender annual, full sun , many varieties, keep pinching to encourage a bushy plant. Basil is best stored in an oil, vinegar or frozen paste. After dinner Basil tea aids in digestion. Steep 1 tsp. of dried leaves in a cup of boiled water.

Many varieties, some perennial, full sun. Leaf is used in cooking, especially stuffing and sauces. Can be used for sage tea to sooth sore throats.

Annual, full sun. 2-3 '
Used for sugar substitute fresh or dried. It is 20-30 times sweeter than sugar cane. Harvest leaves-cut whole stems and strip off leaves, dry. Fertilize regularly to promote healthy leaf production.
Used for sugar substitute fresh or dried. It is 20-30 times sweeter than sugar cane. Harvest leaves-cut whole stems and strip off leaves, dry. Fertilize regularly to promote healthy leaf production.

Perennial, full sun. 2-3 '
Leaves are lemon scented with a touch of mint. Makes a great tea, aids in digestion. Use chopped leaves in salads, baked goods, sorbets and smoothies.
Leaves are lemon scented with a touch of mint. Makes a great tea, aids in digestion. Use chopped leaves in salads, baked goods, sorbets and smoothies.

Perennial, full sun
Drought tolerant overwatering can cause root rot. Cut plants back to the ground in mid summer to encourage new leaves
Culinary and medicinal uses
Drought tolerant overwatering can cause root rot. Cut plants back to the ground in mid summer to encourage new leaves
Culinary and medicinal uses

Perennial, full sun 3-4'
Grows vigorously, flowers white, pink or purple May-frost. Known as knitbone used as a poultice for bruises, external wounds, insect bites. Good for garden, the deep tap root draws good properties from the soil- cut leaves for mulch or chop to make a " fertilizer tea"
Grows vigorously, flowers white, pink or purple May-frost. Known as knitbone used as a poultice for bruises, external wounds, insect bites. Good for garden, the deep tap root draws good properties from the soil- cut leaves for mulch or chop to make a " fertilizer tea"

Tender annual.
Full sun, 3-5 '
Harvest stem bases or clip leaves for infusing tea and soup stock. Popular in Asian cuisine, stir-fry, salads, sauces. To dry bundle leaves and hang upside down in dark place.
Full sun, 3-5 '
Harvest stem bases or clip leaves for infusing tea and soup stock. Popular in Asian cuisine, stir-fry, salads, sauces. To dry bundle leaves and hang upside down in dark place.

Annual, self seeds. Full sun, well drained rich soil, manure compost is best fertilizer. Blue star shaped flowers in midsummer, edible flowers in salads, garnish, candied.
Leaves have a cucumber flavor, raw, steamed, sautéed. Bees love Borage.
Leaves have a cucumber flavor, raw, steamed, sautéed. Bees love Borage.

Perennial, full sun, well drained rich soil. It's flavor is a tangy lemon like sourness. Cut off flower stalks to extend harvest. To harvest snip outer leaves, use in salads, salsa verde, spring sorrel soup

Perennial, full sun/partial shade, 1-3', small purple flowers July-Sept., harvest leaves and tops when in full bloom, dry. A medicinal tea made from dried leaves and flowering heads has been known according to folklore to have digestive help and as a sleep aid.
Widely used in cat toys.
Bees are attracted to it.
Widely used in cat toys.
Bees are attracted to it.

Many different varieties
of mint
Perennial, full sun/partial shade, rampant grower,
Used for culinary, medicinal and decorative purposes.
Mint water: bruize 1 cup fresh mint, place in clean ½ gallon container, fill with fresh cool water, chill, strain , serve over ice.
of mint
Perennial, full sun/partial shade, rampant grower,
Used for culinary, medicinal and decorative purposes.
Mint water: bruize 1 cup fresh mint, place in clean ½ gallon container, fill with fresh cool water, chill, strain , serve over ice.

Full sun, summer savory is an annual, winter savory is a perennial
Both are wonderfully fragrant with a peppery, piquant flavor, (winter savory is bolder) popular in meat dishes, oil, butter and vinegar infusions. The flavor shines in bean dishes earning it the name
"the bean herb". It makes beans easier to digest.
Both attract pollinators
Both are wonderfully fragrant with a peppery, piquant flavor, (winter savory is bolder) popular in meat dishes, oil, butter and vinegar infusions. The flavor shines in bean dishes earning it the name
"the bean herb". It makes beans easier to digest.
Both attract pollinators

Perennial, full sun, divide clumps every 3 years in spring. Leaves can be harvested anytime, cut several blades low to ground leaving 2", don't cut down the whole plant
Flowers and leaves are eaten fresh, flowers are great addition to salads or as a garnish, good to use to make an herb vinegar
Flowers and leaves are eaten fresh, flowers are great addition to salads or as a garnish, good to use to make an herb vinegar